The 12 Must-Read Blogs for Association Leaders

As a busy association professional, do you ever feel like you never have enough time to read all of the helpful information out there to make you more effective at your job? We certainly do. So we assigned ourselves a task. If we had to narrow down our reading list to the most essential list of blogs to keep up with, what would that list look like?

We asked our own team and our association friends what blogs are their favorites. Heck, we even posed the question on our socials. Below you’ll find our list of the best blogs for association leaders like yourself, listed in alphabetical order.

Is this a comprehensive list? Of course, not. If we missed a blog that’s one of your faves, please drop us a line and let us know. We’ll be updating this article regularly to keep track of the must-read blogs for association pros.

Association Adviser

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Association Adviser, published by Naylor Association Solutions, offers in-depth insights on a wide variety of topics crucial to association leaders. It covers areas such as membership growth, AI, event planning, and revenue generation.

Association leaders will appreciate the comprehensive analysis and practical solutions provided on a wide range of topics, which will help them tackle diverse challenges and drive their organizations forward with confidence and clarity.

A post we especially loved: Annual Marketing Planning: A Lyrical Journey

Association Brain Food by Deirdre Reid

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Association Brain Food is an invaluable weekly resource in which Deirdre Reid curates helpful content from across the web for association leaders. There are a lot of automated bots aggregating content in this space, but it’s just not the same. We like that the weekly selections are hand selected by Reid, a bona fide human being and one who draws on her experience within the association community to identify and share content likely to resonate with association pros.

As an added bonus, each weekly post shares a list of upcoming live and virtual events. Plus, for the foodies out there, Reid shares what she’s been up to in the kitchen along with some tasty recipes. (Baked gnocchi with tomato vodka sauce, anyone?)

A post we especially loved: Association Brain Food: 4.12.24 (Because it features a helpful resource published by yours truly!)

Association Briefings Blog

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Although well-known for their podcast, Association Briefings’ blog is pretty darn good, too. Authored by Colby Horton, the blog focuses on arming associations with practical tips on how to remain vibrant and connected in the digital age.

Advising readers on how to optimize tried and true tools like email newsletters, podcasts, and social media, the blog offers valuable insights on how to deepen connection with members and foster engagement in an age that’s becoming even noisier in the age of AI.

A post we especially loved: AI: Great for Marketing. But Leave Your Member Newsletter to a Human
White Paper:

How to Use Content Strategy as a Member Engagement Tool

Bruce Rosenthal Associates Blog

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No list of industry blogs would be complete without mentioning Bruce Rosenthal’s Blog, given Bruce’s extensive experience as a strategic advisor and consultant to associations and not-for-profit organizations.

Bruce has been the association industry’s bellwether, warning that sponsors' needs are quickly changing. His blog and LinkedIn channel offer helpful insights into how associations need to evolve to compete for corporate marketing budgets in an increasingly competitive field.

A post we especially loved: Competition for Sponsored Components at Conferences

Deep Dives by Associations Now

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Associations Now, published by ASAE, has a wealth of great content, but we especially love the Deep Dives for the level of depth they offer on tent-pole topics, such as leadership, meetings, workforce management, etc. Each deep dive is neatly organized into accessible sub-topics, making complex issues easier to navigate.

Published every other month, each one examines in detail how association leaders are addressing emerging challenges during disruptive times, providing multiple perspectives and in-depth analysis.

A post we especially loved: Leadership Unlocked: Essentials for Today’s CEOs

Elevating Engagement by Amanda Kaiser

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Amanda Kaiser proves why she is the undisputed Queen of Member Engagement in every post of her Elevating Engagement blog. The blog offers unique insights and practical advice, drawing from Kaiser’s extensive experience and research.

Association pros will find invaluable tips on creating meaningful member experiences, fostering community, and driving engagement to cultivate a thriving and active membership base and more effectively compete for your members’ attention in a cacophonous digital world.

A post we especially loved: Collaboration is the New Association Content

Gather Voices Blog

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The Gather Voices Blog focuses on best practices for video, marketing, and member engagement, featuring a mix of articles and video content. It excels in collecting diverse viewpoints from various contributors, providing a rich collection of insights and strategies.

Association executives will find practical advice on leveraging video for marketing and member engagement, benefiting from a broad range of perspectives to enhance their communication and outreach efforts.

A post we especially loved: 4 Tips to Add Storytelling to Nonprofit Event Planning
Case Study:

How NAEA is Winning the Battle for Member Attention While Boosting Non-Dues Revenue

Impexium Blog

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Impexium produces a ton of great content (don’t miss its Member Engagement Labs, for example), and the Impexium Blog stands out for its focus on taking a data-driven approach to nurturing member engagement.

Association executives will benefit from practical strategies and expert advice on using data analytics to understand member needs, improve engagement, and make informed decisions that propel their organizations forward.

A post we especially loved: Members and Associations: Who Supports Who?

Lead Marvels Resource Library

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The Lead Marvels Resource Library is a comprehensive hub of articles, guides, and thought leadership content for association leaders. It focuses heavily on two perennial topics association leaders struggle with — generating non-dues revenue and growing member engagement.

Association executives will find practical solutions and expert advice tailored to their unique challenges, helping them enhance strategic planning, operational efficiency, revenue growth, and member value.

A post we especially loved: Association Executive Guide: What Sponsors Want & How to Optimize for It

Mary Byers Blog

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Mary Byers' Blog offers practical advice on association management, leadership, and strategic planning. Her posts provide personal, experience-based insights delivered in a conversational tone, making complex topics accessible.

Association leaders will find valuable articles on innovation, member engagement, and leadership challenges, all of which aim to help them navigate their roles more effectively and inspire positive change within their organizations.

A post we especially loved: How Associations Collaborate with Companies Needs to Change

My Seat at the Bar by Dean West

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Dean West of Association Laboratory Inc. always gives us something to think about in My Seat at the Bar. We enjoy Dean’s posts not only for his insights, but also for the humorous delivery and sarcastic style. Case in point: “Last week, surrounded by cigarette smoke and sipping a luncheon Manhattan, I thought, maybe it’s time to write about a healthy lifestyle . . . “ How can you not chuckle at that opener?

Amid the humor and the hilarious, oft-used photo of Dean sitting alone at what appears to be an airport bar, My Seat at the Bar consistently offers thoughtful takes on associations’ practical leadership challenges.

A post we especially loved: The Death of Association Meetings (of boredom)

.orgSource Blog by Sherry Budziak

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Sherry Budziak’s .orgSource Blog stands out for its emphasis on innovation and the latest trends in the association industry. Each post dives into how associations can leverage cutting-edge technologies and forward-thinking strategies to stay competitive.

Association leaders will appreciate the actionable insights on digital transformation, leadership development, and organizational best practices, making it an essential read for those looking to drive significant change and stay ahead of the curve.

A post we especially loved: Technology Isn’t Always the Hero or the Villain—Sometimes It’s a Bit Player

Did we miss your favorite blog?

That’s our list! At least, as of now. If you’re an association leader and we missed a blog on your list of favorites, please let us know so we can include it in future updates.

In the meantime, for more helpful resources for association leaders, check out the Lead Marvels Resource Library.

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White Paper
Scaling Sponsored Content to Drive Revenue & Member Engagement
Explore what’s driving your advertisers’ interest in sponsored content and how your association can create scalable programs that not only build meaningful non-dues revenue streams but also enhance member engagement and trust.
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